Wednesday, May 30, 2012

To cut or not to cut....

As I turned 50 I look at my pictures, mostly not recognizing the face in the mirror any longer. I am trying to reconnect to my inner self.
The face staring back has been around, marked and scarred from the battles of life. No one is to blame but myself, for I made those decisions to put myself in such situations. Of course I cannot bite my own face,if I could I'd be fucking rich. But that A$$ is gone, almost all the way gone which no doubt will be soon. Any fucking male who bites is crazy and isn't a man at all.
But that is for another time, I'll throw a party and let ya know!
To cut or not to cut?
I think I will continue to grow into my scarred face and love myself..for now

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lucy, I'm Home!

Yes it has been a few since I have posted. But I have been having way too much fun doing videos of all my #Rezkidz on Video Star, SocialCam and other apps, for editing. I have hundreds of videos now.
An I avoiding, nope more like distracting my mind from all the Bull $hit that has gone on. Do I care? Yes but it helps me laugh. The RezKidz are great. Posing for pictures , videos and such. Keeping me laughing. Thanks you kids are getting me through this $4it.Big wet mooches to all! Lol
There's more to the story, but I'm happy now, don't wanna buzz kill.
So until next post peace,love & enjoy life!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Behind the paddles

Truth behind the paddles, the people, real views and the corruption.
Tribal Blogs