Sgwigwi ( how I remember it sounding)
I am posting this bit of evidence on how these people are DECEIVING you and rewriting history to benefit THEM, not the people as a whole.
In 2004, I was working with a contracted consultant on the PL 102-477 programs, it was requested the department be renamed using a native word to describe our work. This is when I wanted to name the department SGWIGWI. An event, that helps and feeds all. I had many memories from my great aunt Ruth Coy Walker and my grandmother.
So I wrote a letter with the word and description as I knew it, and in housed this to the general manager of the tribes. After six weeks I was informed by phone to talk to the cultural department. So my request went forward, another six weeks I get a phone call from those that "MASTER" our native language, they told me no such word existed!" Nothing?", I asked.
"nothing..." Click they hung up.
Of course I was perplexed, I had recalled this word being used by my great aunt, my grandmother, my grandpa, my tsapa', Was my memory wrong, ? NO, I believe in genetic memory and that does not lie! The truth be told alas!
To my friends who believed in me, stood by me and still have not faltered to their HYPOCRITCAL WAYS, the truth of our native ancestry here it is:
"Gram Ruth Sehome Shelton or Siastenu, a Tulalip elder, recalled the Sgwigwi in a 1950s interview:
They used to give potlatch every fall when there's plenty of everything. Plenty of ducks and plenty of salmon. Cause everything was plentiful in those days. Lost of deer, lots of ducks, lots of salmon, camas. Anything what the other tribe got, well they'll bring it to this potlatch to feed the people. Well, they'll all go home. Well, maybe here next fall, the other tribes will give a potlatch, and he'll do the same. That's the way the old people was. In the early days, that's the way they did this potlatch because white people thought that was very foolish of giving all what he's got. But keep up the poor, that's what this is for. Keep up the poor. That's the end of it."
As her great, great granddaughter, I can only aspire to be as wise and share these words so we do not forget. So WE NATIVE PEOPLE of the northwest coast can walk true to our ancestors.
I cannot fight against those who do not hear and act respectfully, they've choosen their own path and it is not the old ways.
I can look forward, knowing ....
Any questions ?