Why ?
I always ask this to the air above me...is anyone listening?
I can recall when I first noticed the bull chit here at Tulalip, it was 1993-4.
Contently, I sat in my small office, facing a wall with a window that allowed me to look out at my daughter at playtime. This "job" was all good, not in my plan, but helped none the less. I knew only the name Unix. But I knew several programming languages, so when I looked at their system, and seen it was so very basic, so simple it was a joke. I looked at the book the Indian Guy, had tossed at me, "Unix for dummies", now I seen the humor in the title. Poor ""Indian Guy", the empire builder wannabe. I remember him asking me "Who ARE you?" , with a snidely smile. Ewwwww, how it still creeps me out.
Little did I know, he was meeting, planning and sabotaging the computer equipment with the "girls of CHS", behind my back. Quite crazy and paranoid on their part. I had no idea why or what possibly drove them to this, but fear. Combine fear with lack of knowledge or misinformation....
How frightened do you have to be, to be so deceitful and conniving. To be driven to that point, how scary. I hope to never be at that point ever in my life.
I believe you must be aware of your strengths, I know my capabilities therefore I do not fear those more intelligent than me, I seek them out, to learn from them.
Eventually all of this came to me, confessions of assisting, guilty feelings overcame them...blahblahblah ...
The truth came out! Those involved you ask, ..look at all those in positions managing, hiring, exploiting, but most of all lying to all of you!
Those to fear are those less intelligent and more conniving than yourself. They will go to no end to cause you pain...THINK ABOUT IT...
Mind you a programmer is not a PC TECHNICIAN.